Birthday Countdown

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


It is almost 9pm tonight and it saddens me to know that Christmas Day is almost over.  All that you have worked hard to shop for and wrap is now ripped open and set aside.  For the night I guess that is.  All of the hustle & bustle and Christmas spirit at the malls is now over and done.  The family gatherings of laughing, playing games, enjoying yummy food & delicious treats have now ended. The branches on the Christmas tree seem to droop.  Their are no presents under the tree anymore and though that is not what Christmas is all about, somehow it seems so completed.  Fortunately for us Christians we know that there is more to Christmas and it doesn't end here.  Praise God.

Our Christmas this year was a special one.   We know that not long from now we will welcome 3 little ones that we have been anxiously awaiting for so long.  Our journey has reached even beyond the last 7 months of pregnancy.  We waited long before that to even expect one little one and now we are blessed with three.  We look forward to the day when we can see them for the first time.

The triplets made out with lots of gifts this year.  They got some outfits (including the girls getting an ISU t-shirt in support of their mommy and little Collin received a little Rose Hulman onesie that reads "RHIT's littlest fan" supporting his daddy).  They also received a CD player that attaches to the crib and some lullaby CDs & some books that daddy still reads to them every night.  They now have a few more to choose from.  I also should mention that Collin received a boppy that his daddy picked out with rockets, asteroids, etc....  Mommy & Daddy also received lots of great gifts.  It has been a good Christmas in so many ways and I hope your Christmas was the same.  

I also wanted to fill you in on an appointment we went to today (the day after Christmas).  We are so proud of our little Anniston, Bailey & Collin.  They were all little all-stars this week.  We had biophysical profiles done on each one of them today.  This is where each baby gets 30 minutes and gets 2 points in each category.  They were all three done within about 10 minutes which is amazing.  The ultrasound tech said that it was the fastest biophysical profile she has ever done on triplets which is great.  One of the categories is them practicing their breathing which is obviously very important.

My contractions are still staying well below the threshhold (6 contractions an hour).  I have had 4 an hour at the most which is pretty good at this point.  The babies are still growing well. We didn't get weights this week.  The docs only get those every three weeks and we just received weights last week and they all weighed around 2lbs 12ozs give or take.  I am now measuring about 44 weeks.  I am getting more and more uncomfortable as each day passes. However,  I have still been able to sleep well and have only had to use just one extra pillow.  I am sure the closer it gets to time, the more uncomfortable it will get but right now I am considering myself lucky.  The docs have also detected protein in my samples I have given and I have shown a few higher readings on my blood pressures so they are trying to keep a close eye on that but aren't too concerned at this point.  They sent some tests off today and we'll receive the results in a couple of days. 

Jason & I also enjoyed an evening at the Plainfield Aquatic Center floating and enjoying the pool which was suggested by our doctor.  We had a good time.  It was sort of a little safe date night out for Jason & I. 

I think I have covered everything for now.  We will continue to keep you updated as things arise.  We have another appointment next Thursday.  Hopefully things will stay quiet until then.  

Thanks again for all of your prayers and continue support.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was good to see you both over the holidays. You look great! We won't be able to see you again until after the 3 are here. Hopefull I can get up to Indy to see you this summer. Have a great rest of the pregnancy and hopefully no problems emerge in the last 2 months (or less).
Brian, Liz, Owen, and Reed